As the lead agency under CEQA, the CPUC is required to monitor this project during construction and operation to ensure that the required mitigation measures are implemented. The CPUC will be responsible for ensuring full compliance with the provisions of this monitoring program and has primary responsibility for implementation of the monitoring program. The purpose of the monitoring program is to document that the mitigation measures required by the CPUC are implemented and that mitigated environmental impacts are reduced to the level identified in the Program. A Mitigation Monitoring Program table is included at the end of each issue area's Environmental Analysis in Part C (C.2 - C.13). For each mitigation measure, these tables list:

• The impact that was identified

• The mitigation measure (in summary)

• The location of the impact

• The monitoring action that would be taken by the CPUC or other responsible agency

• How to determine if the measure is effective

• The agency (or agencies) responsible for monitoring

• The timeframe for mitigation measure implementation.

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