Proposed Jefferson-Martin 230 kV Transmission Project

(Application No. A-02-09-043, filed September 30, 2002)



Draft Environmental Impact Report

These files are in Portable Document Format (PDF). To view them, you will need to download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader if it is not already installed on your PC.
Notice of Availability (192KB)
Executive Summary (1.7MB)
  1. Introduction/Background
2. Alternatives
3. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures
4. Summary Comparison of the Proposed Project and Alternatives
5. Impact Summary Tables
A. Introduction/Overview (309KB)
  A.1 History and Overview of Proposed Project
A.2 Purpose and Need for the Proposed Project
A.3 Agency Use of This Document
A.4 Reader's Guide to This EIR
B. Description of Proposed Project (1.1MB)
  B.1 Introduction
B.2 Description of the Proposed Project
B.3 Project Construction
B.4 Operation and Maintenance Procedures
C. Alternatives (608KB)
  C.1 Alternatives Development and Screening Process
C.2 Alternatives Screening Methodology
C.3 Summary of Screening Results
C.4 Alternatives Evaluated in this EIR
C.5 Alternatives Eliminated from Full EIR Evaluation
C.6 No Project Alternative
D. Environmental Analysis

D.1 Introduction to Environmental Analysis (121KB)
D.2 Land Use (999KB)
D.3 Visual Resources (1.2MB)
D.3 Visual Resources Summary (464KB)
D.4 Biological Resources (1.2MB)
D.5 Cultural Resources (672KB)
D.6 Geology, Soils, and Paleontology (683KB)
D.7 Hydrology and Water Quality (508KB)
D.8 Public Health and Safety (1.2MB)
D.9 Recreation (1.1MB)
D.10 Air Quality (566KB)
D.11 Noise and Vibration (775KB)
D.12 Transportation and Traffic (791KB)
D.13 Socioeconomics (356KB)
D.14 Public Services and Utilities (460KB)

E. Comparison of Alternatives (503KB)
  E.1 Comparison Methodology
E.2 Environmentally Superior Alternative
E.3 No Project Alternative vs. the Environmentally Superior Alternative
F. Other CEQA Considerations (419KB)
  F.1 Growth Inducing Effects
F.2 Significant Irreversible Changes
F.3 Cumulative Scenario
F.4 Cumulative Impact Analysis
G. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting (124KB)
  G.1 Authority for the Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance and Reporting Program
G.2 Organization of the Final Mitigation Monitoring Plan
G.3 Roles and Responsibilities
G.4 Enforcement Responsibility
G.5 Mitigation Compliance Responsibility
G.6 Dispute Resolution
G.7 General Monitoring Procedures
G.8 Condition Effectiveness Review
G.9 Mitigation Monitoring Program Tables
H. Public Participation (184KB)
  H.1 Introduction
H.2 Public Participation Program
H.3 Public Review Period

Alternatives Screening Report (1.3MB)


Report Preparation (563KB)


EMF Data for Proposed Project (237KB)


EMF Data for Existing 60 kV Line (222KB)


PG&E's Transmission Line EMF Guidelines:  Part 1  (3.4MB)  Part 2 (4.2MB)


PG&E's Substation EMF Guidelines:  Part 1 (2.6MB)  Part 2 (2.6MB)


Land Use Policy Consistency (114KB)


Scenic and Recreation Easements (828KB)


Threatened and Endangered Wildlife Species (239KB)


Biological Resources - Supporting Data (464KB)


Sensitive and Special Status Species (470KB)


Cultural Resources (741KB)

Certain figures are not included in the online version of the Draft EIR due to security concerns. Maps may be viewed at the public repositories listed in the Notice of Availability or copies may be requested from the project e-mail account,
Fig A-1. Existing Transmission System within Vicinity of Project Area (457KB)
Fig B-1. Proposed Project - Regional Location (89KB)
Fig B-4. Typical Heavy-Angle Lattice Steel Tower (153KB)
Fig B-5. Typical Tangent Lattice Steel Tower (143KB)
Fig B-6. Typical Tangent Tubular Steel Pole (151KB)
Fig B-7a. Proposed Transition Station (721KB)
Fig B-7b. Transition Tower (182KB)
Fig B-7c. Transition Station (182KB)
Fig B-8. Conceptual Landscape Design (5.1MB)
Fig B-9. Typical Duct Bank Installation of 230 kV Single-Circuit Solid Dielectric Cable (534KB)
Fig B-10. Typical Reduced-Height Duct Bank within Paved Streets (670KB)
Fig B-11. Typical Reduced-Width Duct Bank within Paved Streets (683KB)
Fig B-12a. Typical Underground Construction Process within Roadways (496KB)
Fig B-12b. Installation of Underground Transmission Line (157KB)
Fig B-13. Jefferson Substation Proposed Modifications (1.9MB)
Fig B-14. Ralston Substation Modifications (613KB)
Fig B-15. Carolands Substation Modifications (519KB)
Fig B-16. Martin Substation Proposed Modifications (564KB)
Fig B-17. Hillsdale Junction Modifications (563KB)
Fig B-18. Crystal Springs Tap Modifications (262KB)
Fig B-19. Millbrae Tap Modifications (253KB)
Fig B-20. San Bruno Tap Modifications (261KB)
Fig B-21. Watershed Tap Modifications (264KB)
Fig D.2-2a. General Plan Land Use Designation (Southern Segment) (376KB)
Fig D.2-2b. General Plan Land Use Designation (Northern Segment) (410KB)
Fig D.11-1. Typical Range of Common Sounds Heard in the Environment (489KB)
Fig D.11-2. Outdoor Day/Night Sound Levels in Different Areas (175KB)

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