San Diego Gas & Electric Company's Sunrise Powerlink Project

(Applications A.05-12-014 and A.06-08-010)


Requests for Technical Information Related to the Draft EIR/EIS

During the 90-day public comment period on the Draft EIR/EIS, various parties submitted requests for technical information related to that document. Following are the requests received and the information provided.
Information Requested by Description of Information
California State Lands Commission (1/17/08) Excel spreadsheets listing 1. State-owned parcels crossed by the Proposed Project and 2. State-owned parcels crossed by alternatives
Center for Biological Diversity (3/7/08) Joint letter from USFWS and CDFG submitted to ALJ Weissman
City of Chula Vista (1/25/08) Response to City's concern over repowering the South Bay power plant
Mussey Grade Road Alliance (1/4/08) GIS data showing centerline of proposed route and all alternative transmission line routes (.zip format)
NRDC (2/27/08) Response to question regarding assumptions and calculations behind greenhouse gas analysis PART 1  PART 2
City of Santee (1/23/08) Response to City's concern over siting a power plant at MCAS Miramar
SDG&E (1/4/08) Response to 1/4/08 information request on cultural resources, air quality monitoring data, and biological resources maps
SDG&E (1/18/08) GIS data for all transmission line routes, including pull sites, access roads, and other impact areas (.zip format)
SDG&E (2/8/08) Response to information request on tribal issues and ABDSP land rights: (1); (2)
SDG&E (2/13/08) Clarification on greenhouse gas impact analysis
SDG&E (3/21/08) Partial Underground 230 kV ABDSP SR78 to S2 Alternative - Preliminary underground transmission line capacity studies:
- Memo on Data Response ALT-23
- Underground Cable Amps Calculations
- ETAP Output
- ETAP Figure
SDG&E (3/24/08) GIS files for fireshed areas along the proposed route and alternatives (.zip format)
SDG&E (3/26/08) Burn probability models by fireshed (.zip format)
SDG&E (1/18/08) and Center for Biological Diversity (2/28/08) GIS data for environmentally superior Northern and Southern routes (.zip format)

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