Core Transport Agents (CTAs) are non-utility gas suppliers who purchase gas on behalf of residential and small commercial end-use customers.  If you elect to take CTA service from one of the many providers in California, you will be able to buy natural gas from your CTA but paying your utility for gas delivery service on its distribution pipelines.  Depending on the billing option you choose you may receive bills from your utility, the CTA, or both.

The CPUC does not regulate the rates CTAs charge their customers, but following the passage of Senate Bill 656 CTAs will be required to register with the Commission in order to conduct business in California.  Since the Commission has the ability to suspend or revoke the registration of a noncompliant CTA, the Commission will now be able to effectively process customer complaints against CTAs.


List of registered CTAs, provided pursuant to California Public Utilities Code Section 984.(a).

CTA Reminders

How to Register as a Core Transport Agent (CTA)

California Core Gas Consumer Guide to Transport Agents

Q&A for Core Transport Agents (CTAs)

Core Transport Complaint Tracking

Core Transport Agent Cost Comparison

Please send your updated contact information to CPUC's Energy Division by filling out the Regulatory Contact Info Update Request Form.