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Annual reports to the California Legislature regarding the status of railroad investigations, incidents, and other important issues concerning railroad safety.

Federal laws, regulations, CPUC General Orders, and directives relating to the transportation of people and products by rail.

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Railroad Administration. Enabling the Safe, Reliable, and Efficient Movement of People and Goods.

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration. Improving Public Transportation for America's Communities.

Monthly reports on rail safety metrics and rail program activity updates.

CPUC authorization is required to construct or modify a rail crossing. Find more information, frequently asked questions, and applications.

CPUC Rail Crossings and Engineering Branch Contact Information.

Protecting safety on roadways that cross railroad tracks, traveling on rail systems, employees of rail agencies, and everyone who benefits from safe and reliable shipment of goods by rail.

Lists of some of the more relevant General Orders to rail transit safety and security.

Class I, Class III, Commuter Rail, California High-Speed Rail railroads regulated in California

Pat Tsen, Deputy Executive Director, Consumer Policy, Transportation, and Enforcement