Legislative Administration Office Report Recommendations

The Supplemental Report of the 2018-19 Budget Act requires the Legislative Administration Office (LAO) to (1) review the caseload and budget estimates for this program and make recommendations about how CPUC could improve the accuracy of its estimates and (2) assess and make recommendations about ways to improve enrollment and re-enrollment in the program. The findings published in April 2019 stated LAO’s recommendations of “directing CPUC to conduct such an evaluation, stating that the findings from this evaluation could inform future decisions about what types of changes are likely to result in the most substantial improvements to enrollment.” -LifeLine-Estimates-040319.pdf (ca.gov)

The LAO report directed the CPUC to:

  • conduct study evaluating key factors affecting enrollment and renewal rates;
  • develop a statewide marketing and outreach plan;
  • report on options to make LifeLine more attractive to eligible households; and
  • report on potential changes to enrollment and renewal process.

In June 2020, the CPUC entered an interagency agreement with California State University, Sacramento in partnership with staff of the University’s Consensus and Collaboration Program (CCP) and Institute for Social Research (ISR). The agreement included research, regional outreach, and a statewide survey that informs the Assessment Report, focusing on the recommendations set forth by the LAO.

LifeLine Program Assessment & Evaluation

The report provides a comprehensive overview of research findings organized by key aspects of the LifeLine program:

  • Program Reach and Effectiveness: This section focuses on the overall enrollment trends of LifeLine customers statewide and regionally and provides rates of program enrollment for high-need populations
  • Program Operations and Implementation: This section describes the main administrative entities and processes for administration and implementation of LifeLine program. Challenges in both the administrative processes and program oversight are identified.
  • Phone Service Providers and Market Competition: This section describes how telephone Service Providers support the LifeLine program and the primary methods in which they conduct outreach and enrollment for eligible customers.
  • Customer Experience: This section provides customer feedback from focus groups, stakeholder interviews, and a statewide survey about the purposes, benefits, and challenges to access and participate in the LifeLine program.
  • Program Awareness, Marketing and Community Outreach: This section addresses the level of awareness and recognition of the LifeLine program by low-income populations and the organizations that serve them.

CA LifeLine Program Assessment Documents

California LifeLine Program Assessment & Evaluation by

California State University, Sacramento in partnership with staff of the University's Consensus and Collaboration Program (CCP)


Ruling filed by ALJ/WANG/CPUC on 05/20/2022 Conf# 180852

Assessment Presentation at the  ULTS Administrative Committee Meeting (ULTS-AC) on June 28th, 2022