The Emerging Technology Program (ETP) is a statewide 3rd party implemented program (as directed in D.18-01-004) that evaluates emerging and underutilized energy efficiency (EE) technologies for possible inclusion into the portfolio. ETP’s goal is to serve as a pipeline to deliver emerging technologies (ETs) to ratepayer-funded EE Programs to meet the state’s energy reduction needs. ETP is split into an Electric Program and Gas Program.

Important Websites and Documents:

  • Gas Emerging Technology (GET) - Implemented by ICF with So Cal Gas as the Program Admin, the gas side of the Emerging Technology Program
  • Statewide Electric Emerging Technology Program (SWEET P) - Implemented by Energy Solutions (aka CalNEXT) with SCE as the Program Admin, the electric side of the Emerging Technology Program
  • Tecnology Priority Maps (TPMs) - CalNEXT’s research priorities across six technology categories and 46 technology families
  • Emerging Technologies Program Technology to Portfolio Evaluation - A study conducted and released by Opinion Dynamics in 2021 that analyzed the effectiveness of ETP from 2009 to 2017
  • Emerging Technologies Program Handoff Process Evaluation - A study conducted and released by Opinion Dynamics in 2021 that analyzed the effectiveness of the handed off of ET’s across California’s ET market, Emerging Technology Program, and the investor-owned utility (IOU) programs
  • Upcoming: Opinion Dynamics is currently working on a new ETP Evaluation study analyzing data from 2018 to 2022 that will be coming out in the next few months

SWEET P Request for Ideas (RFI):

Each quarter, CalNEXT will be identifying technologies that could use additional focus, visit the RFI page here.

Other Resources: