Energy Efficiency Market Transformation
In pursuit of California's ambitious Climate Action Plan to reduce our state's greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2045, energy efficiency is one of our key solutions. In addition to the main EE portfolio, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) created a Market Transformation Administrator (CalMTA) to make energy efficient technologies and practices more available in the market. Over the next eight years, this program will invest $320 million towards transforming the market and achieving California’s climate goals. The framework for the creation of CalMTA can be found in D.19-12-021.
Important Documents:
Market Transformation Policy Manual – CPUC Policies and guidelines applicable to Market Transformation and CalMTA
Evaluation Framework – Describes the policies, principles, and high-level approaches that CalMTA will use to verify energy savings and effectiveness of its portfolio of MT initiatives
2024 Annual Operations Plan – Presents work planned for CalMTA’s program year 2024needed to reach the goals of the program
CalMTA Q1 2024 Activity Report – Report summarizing recent milestones in developing a portfolio of market transformation initiatives (MTIs)
Phase 1 Disposition Report - Provides a comprehensive summary of the solicitation, scoring, and assessment of ideas received in the 2023 Request for Ideas. The report provides updates on Batch 1 Market Transformation Initiative (MTI) development and a detailed description of additional idea scoring and recommendations for a second batch of MTIs.
Request for Ideas (RFIs):
To stay up to date on when CalMTA is opening their submission portal for ideas, please visit the RFI page here.
Other Resouces:
- For information on the purpose and membership of the Market Transformation Advisory Board (MTAB), visit the About the MTAB and Advisory Board FAQ pages
- None at this time