Every four years Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) undergoes a General Rate Case (GRC) at the CPUC. A GRC is a proceeding in which the CPUC takes a broad, in-depth look at a utility’s revenues and expenses to arrive at just and reasonable rates.

2023 GRC Overview

PG&E filed its 2023-2026 GRC Application (A.21-06-021) on June 30, 2021, and subsequently submitted modifications on March 10, 2022 and September 6, 2022. PG&E's Application claims that it needs to make several changes to ensure the safety and reliability of its energy services, especially given the challenges posed by climate change. The top drivers of PG&E’s proposed increases are inflation and significant investments in undergrounding electric lines to decrease wildfire risk. Read more in the fact sheet below.

Make Your Voice Heard

Public comment can help the CPUC make an informed decision. Please provide your comments on PG&E's 2023 General Rate Case by clicking on the "Public Comments" tab on the proceeding's Docket Card.

Previous PG&E GRC Decisions

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