February 24, 2021 En Banc on Energy Rates and Costs

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) held an Energy Rates and Costs En Banc on Wednesday, February 24th, 2021 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. The En Banc was hosted virtually on WebEx and centered around themes and concepts raised by a CPUC-authored white paper on California electric and gas cost and rate trends over the next decade. Following the En Banc hearing, public comments on the white paper and hearing were submitted to the Commission.

The discussion at the En Banc hearing and the public comments were summarized in an addendum to the white paper. Additional addenda covering trends in natural gas costs and proposals to limit future natural gas costs, as well as submissions from external subject matter experts on electric cost allocation and customer equity, were also added to the white paper. This final white paper with addenda was submitted as the 2021 SB 695 report, pursuant to P.U. Code Section 913.1.

En Banc White Paper (Utility Costs and Affordability of the Grid of the Future, Feb. 2021)

Final 2021 SB 695 Report/En Banc White Paper

En Banc attendees included academics, researchers, utilities, consumer advocates, legislative staff and other energy stakeholders to discuss this important topic. We invited members of the public to join us for this critical dialogue on the energy cost outlook for the next five to ten years and how that may impact California’s critical climate, electrification, and building decarbonization goals while maintaining affordable service for customers receiving electric and gas service in California’s investor-owned utility territories.

Media Advisory

A recording of the webcast is available at: http://www.adminmonitor.com/ca/cpuc/en_banc/20210224/

Meeting Materials

Public Comments 

En Banc-Rates and Costs

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