Pilot Program Overview

Residential and commercial Plug-In Electric Vehicle (PEV) customers of Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), Southern California Edison (SCE), and San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), including Net Energy Metering customers, are eligible to participate in the Plug-In Electric Vehicle Submetering Pilot. The pilot intends to improve customer choice and value by using energy meters specifically for PEV charging to help drivers save on fuel costs and avoid upgrading their electrical infrastructure. Phase 1 of the pilot has been completed, and the Phase 1 assessment can be found here.  Phase 2 of the pilot began in January 2017.

The Submetering Phase 2 Pilot duration is 15.5 months starting January 16, 2017 and ending on April 30, 2018.  The customer enrollment priod for Phase 2 has ended.  Once enrolled in the Pilot, you are eligible to participate for up to 12 consecutive billing cycles; however, you may choose to un-enroll at any time. Once you un-enroll or your participation expires, your EV charging usage will be billed along with all other usage at your current rate. 

Participate in the Pilot

Enrollment in Phase 2 of the pilot is closed to new participants as of May 1, 2017.  The following third parties are providing submetering services as part of Phase 2:

Forms and Tariffs

What is the Purpose of PEV Submetering?

Typically, customers can access PEV Time-Of-Use (TOU) electric rates by either installing separate electrical service and meter dedicated to PEV charging or enrolling their entire house or facility with a TOU rate. For the Submetering Pilot, separate PEV or "whole house" Time-Of-Use service is not required to access these rates. Instead, customers will use submeters available from third-party providers (known in the pilot as "Submeter Meter Data Management Agents") to measure their electricity use for utility billing purposes.

What are the Benefits?

PG&E, SCE, and SDG&E offer Time-Of-Use (TOU) rates for customers to charge their PEVs that may reduce their monthly travel expenditures. Submetering may provide additional value by avoiding the costs of charging infrastructure and other barriers to the adoption of TOU rates. In addition, encouraging night-time charging helps ensure that there is sufficient electrical grid capacity to meet the needs of all customers while minimizing cost and environmental impact.

Regulatory History

  • November 2016: Energy Division approved IOU advice letters with Tariffs and Agreements to implement Phase 2.
  • April 12, 2016: Energy Division hosted a workshop to review the results of Phase 1 and discuss Phase 2.
  • April 20, 2015: Energy Division approves IOUs' second revision to Submetering Tariff and Agreements.
  • August 7, 2014: Energy Division approves IOUs' revised Submetering Tariff and Agreements.
  • July 23, 2014: Energy Division holds meeting with IOUs and MDMAs to discuss the processes to be completed during pilot operations.
  • July 11, 2014: Submeter Meter Data Management Agents notice the CPUC of their participation in the pilot.
  • July 10, 2014: IOUs submit revised Submetering Tariff and Agreements in compliance with E-4651
  • June 26, 2014: CPUC Resolution E-4651 approves the utilities' request to implement a PEV Submetering Pilot.
  • November 13, 2013: CPUC Decision 13-11-002 modifies the utilities' requirements for the development of the Submetering Protocol.

Contact Information

For questions regarding this Pilot, contact Michael Truax of the CPUC Energy Division at michael.truax@cpuc.ca.gov.