Logbook Standards Filing Requirements


Thermal (Fossil Fuel and Geothermal) Logbook Verified Statement

GO 167, Sections 5.3 and 15.1.1 require each Generating Asset Owner to file the Thermal Logbook Verified Statement for each generating unit and to recertify every other year.


Step 1:  Login to the Power Plant Outage Reporting (PPOR) web portal at:  https://apps.cpuc.ca.gov/apex/f?p=111:LOGIN:14593894459469.

Step 2

(A) Once you are logged in, choose the tab "CPUC Outage Report Screen".
(B) Under the section titled, "Annual GO 167 Compliance Documents", select your Plant name from the Asset List field.
(C) Select the Browse button and select the compliance document from your hard drive that you wish to upload to submit.

Step 3:  Repeat Step 2 for the next compliance document that you wish to upload.  Repeat this step until all compliance documents have been uploaded.

  (download the instructions with screenshots)


Hydroelectric Logbook Verified Statement

GO 167, Sections 6.3 and 15.1.1 require each Generating Asset Owner to file the Hydroelectric Logbook Verified Statement for each generating unit and to recertify every other year.