Before you contact us, we recommend that you give your utility provider a chance to resolve your complaints by contacting their customer service department.

Quick links to electric utilities we regulate:

Please contact your utility provider directly for the following concerns:

  • What services you are being billed for

  • What the rates are for services you are provided

  • Bill explanations

  • General questions on account status

  • Account payments, extensions, payment arrangements

  • Billing period; Start and end of the billing cycle

  • Starting service or Cancelling service

  • Payment locations

Suppose you know you are being billed for something you did not order or feel your utility overcharged you. In that case, you should first attempt to resolve this with your utility provider. If the utility provider has made a billing or service error, they will often resolve the issue with you directly. You can find their contact information on your monthly billing statement, the telephone directory book, or online. When calling your utility, keep a record of the contact with the representative’s name, the call date, and the discussion details.