Pilot Program Reporting

Pursuant to Decisions 18-05-043 and 20-11-046 (as modified by Decision 21-05-017), on a quarterly basis, each entity participating in the AV Passenger Service pilot programs must submit a verified report containing the following data, disaggregated and anonymized, to provide information regarding each AV operating in the pilot programs:

  • Total quarterly vehicle miles traveled during passenger service by all vehicles in the entity's list of Autonomous Vehicle equipment, provided per-vehicle
  • Total quarterly vehicle miles traveled during passenger service that are served by electric vehicles or other vehicles not using an internal combustion engine, provided per‑vehicle
  • Total quarterly vehicle miles traveled during passenger service, from the vehicle's starting location when it first accepted a trip request to the pickup point for each requested trip, expressed in miles and provided per-vehicle
  • Amount of time each vehicle waits between ending one passenger trip and initiating the next passenger trip, expressed as both a daily average and a monthly total in hours or fraction of hours for each vehicle (idling or dwell time)
  • Vehicle occupancy (total number of passengers) in each vehicle for each trip
  • Total number of Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (WAV) rides requested
  • Total number of WAV rides requested but unfulfilled because no WAV was available
  • Total number of WAV rides requested but unfulfilled because the vehicle operator denied the request
  • Total number of WAV rides accepted and fulfilled   

Deployment Program Reporting

Pursuant to Decision 20-11-046 (as modified by Decision 21-05-017), carriers participating in the Commission’s AV Passenger Service Deployment programs must transmit to the Commission quarterly reports of data about the operation of their vehicles. Please review Ordering Paragraphs 5(k) and 7(m) and Appendix A for a full list of the required data.

The templates below provide guidance on the submission of the required quantitative data:

Quarterly Deployment Data Reporting Templates

Carriers are also required to submit narrative responses, as described in D.20-11-046 (as modified by D.21-05-017) Ordering Paragraphs 5(k)(iv) and Appendix A. These should be submitted as a searchable electronic Word, PDF, or similar file alongside the numerical data.

Reporting Guidance for All Programs

The data must be provided in electronic Excel, CSV, or other searchable and sortable spreadsheet format and be provided in tables with separately labeled columns that identify the data reported in each column. The reporting periods and report submission dates for all AV programs are provided below:

Reporting Period

Report Submission Date

September 1 - November 30

January 1

December 1 - February 28 (29 in leap years)

April 1

March 1 - May 31

July 1

June 1 - August 31

October 1


Each report must clearly indicate the period of time (by dates) covered in each report.  The reporting period begins when the entity receives confirmation from the Consumer Protection and Enforcement Division that an AV has been successfully added to the carrier's passenger equipment list on file with the CPUC.

CPUC staff will post these reports as soon as they are complete, and will note on its website any delayed report, including the cause of the delay.

Confidentiality claims for quarterly reports are governed by General Order 66-D. If confidentiality claims are being made, the carrier should also submit redacted versions of the reports for public posting. These redacted reports should be provided in the same format as the full reports (i.e., searchable, sortable spreadsheets). Please preserve the template structure and format and redact individual cells by replacing the data with “REDACTED,” do not delete entire columns.  

This page was last updated on July 22, 2024.

Deployment Program Quarterly Reports

Reporting Period: March 1, 2024 – May 31, 2024
  • Carriers Reporting: Waymo, Cruise
    • Note: Waymo and Cruise have claimed confidentiality for certain portions of its reports; these claims are currently under review. Fields subject to confidentiality claims are currently redacted in the public reports posted here.
  • Download all reports
Reporting Period: December 1, 2023 – February 29, 2024
  • Carriers Reporting: Waymo, Cruise 
    • Note: Waymo and Cruise have claimed confidentiality for certain portions of its reports; these claims are currently under review. Fields subject to confidentiality claims are currently redacted in the public reports posted here.
    • Update 7/2024: Waymo’s Incidents-Complaints and Incidents-Locations reports for this period have been updated to correct an inadvertent error in the collision category, which resulted in the overcounting of one such event during the deployment reporting period.
  • Download all reports 

Reporting Period: September 1, 2023 – November 30, 2023
  • Carriers Reporting: Waymo, Cruise
    • Note: Waymo and Cruise have claimed confidentiality for certain portions of its reports; these claims are currently under review. Fields subject to confidentiality claims are currently redacted in the public reports posted here.
    • Update 4/2024: Waymo’s Incidents-Complaints and Incidents-Locations reports for this period have been updated to correct inadvertent errors in the citation and collision categories, which resulted in the overcounting of such events during the deployment reporting period.
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Reporting Period: June 1, 2023 – August 31, 2023
  • Carriers Reporting: Waymo, Cruise 
    • Note: Waymo and Cruise have claimed confidentiality for certain portions of its reports; these claims are currently under review. Fields subject to confidentiality claims are currently redacted in the public reports posted here.
  • Download all reports 
Reporting Period: March 1, 2023 – May 31, 2023
  • Carriers Reporting: Waymo, Cruise
    • Note: Waymo and Cruise have claimed confidentiality for certain portions of its reports; these claims are currently under review. Fields subject to confidentiality claims are currently redacted in the public reports posted here.
  • Download all reports
Reporting Period: December 1, 2022 – February 28, 2023
  • Carriers Reporting: Waymo, Cruise
    • Note: Waymo and Cruise have claimed confidentiality for certain portions of its reports; these claims are currently under review. Fields subject to confidentiality claims are currently redacted in the public reports posted here.
  • Download all reports

The first Deployment permits were issued in February 2022.


Reporting Period: September 1, 2022 – November 30, 2022 
  • Carriers Reporting: Waymo, Cruise
    • Note: Waymo and Cruise have claimed confidentiality for certain portions of its reports; these claims are currently under review. Fields subject to confidentiality claims are currently redacted in the public reports posted here.
  • Download all reports
Reporting Period: June 1, 2022 – August 31, 2022
  • Carriers Reporting: Waymo, Cruise
    • Note: Waymo and Cruise have claimed confidentiality for certain portions of its reports; these claims are currently under review. Fields subject to confidentiality claims are currently redacted in the public reports posted here.
    • Update 1/3/2023: Waymo’s trip-level, month-level, monthly tract, incidents-complaints, and incidents-location reports have been updated to correct an error impacting trip-level activity that resulted in the inadvertent undercounting of CPUC-jurisdictional trips transporting members of the public as guests of Waymo employees.  
  • Download all reports
Reporting Period: March 1, 2022 – May 31, 2022
  • Carriers Reporting: Waymo, Cruise
    • Note: Waymo has claimed confidentiality for certain portions of its reports; these claims are currently under review. Fields subject to confidentiality claims are currently redacted in the public reports posted here.
    • Update 1/3/2023: Waymo’s trip-level, month-level, and monthly tract reports have been updated to correct an error impacting trip-level activity that resulted in the inadvertent undercounting of CPUC-jurisdictional trips transporting members of the public as guests of Waymo employees. 
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Pilot Program Quarterly Reports

Reporting Period: March 1, 2021 – May 31, 2024
Reporting Period: December 1, 2023 – February 29, 2024

Reporting Period: September 1, 2023 – November 30, 2023
Reporting Period: June 1, 2023 – August 31, 2023
  • Carriers Reporting: Aurora, AutoX, Cruise, Deeproute, Ghost, Motional, Waymo, Zoox
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Reporting Period: March 1, 2023 – May 31, 2023
Reporting Period: December 1, 2022 – February 28, 2023

Reporting Period: September 1, 2022 – November 30, 2022
Reporting Period: June 1, 2022 – August 31, 2022
Reporting Period: March 1, 2022 – May 31, 2022
Reporting Period: December 1, 2021 – February 28, 2022
  • Carriers Reporting: Argo AI, AutoX, Cruise, Deeproute, Pony.ai, Waymo, Zoox
    • Update 7/22/2022: Waymo’s pilot report has been updated to reflect a correction to mileage figures in (a) Tab 1, Rows 2 and 3 for “total passenger service miles” and “total mileage served by electric vehicles”; and (b) the corresponding per-vehicle mileage shown on Tab 2, Rows 2 and 3. The original submissions included mileage associated with vehicles operating on public roads hailable by Waymo employees and for testing purposes (rather than available for hail only by external passengers).
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Reporting Period: September 1, 2021 – November 30, 2021
  • Carriers Reporting: Argo AI, Aurora, AutoX, Cruise, Deeproute, Pony.ai, Waymo, Zoox
    • Update 7/22/2022: Waymo’s pilot report has been updated to reflect a correction to mileage figures in (a) Tab 1, Rows 2 and 3 for “total passenger service miles” and “total mileage served by electric vehicles”; and (b) the corresponding per-vehicle mileage shown on Tab 2, Rows 2 and 3. The original submissions included mileage associated with vehicles operating on public roads hailable by Waymo employees and for testing purposes (rather than available for hail only by external passengers).
  • Download all reports
Reporting Period: June 1, 2021 – August 31, 2021
  • Carriers Reporting: Argo AI, Aurora, AutoX, Cruise, Deeproute, Pony.ai, Waymo, Zoox
    • Update 7/22/2022: Waymo’s pilot report has been updated to reflect a correction to mileage figures in (a) Tab 1, Rows 2 and 3 for “total passenger service miles” and “total mileage served by electric vehicles”; and (b) the corresponding per-vehicle mileage shown on Tab 2, Rows 2 and 3. The original submissions included mileage associated with vehicles operating on public roads hailable by Waymo employees and for testing purposes (rather than available for hail only by external passengers).
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Reporting Period: March 1, 2021 – May 31, 2021
Reporting Period: February 1, 2021 – February 28, 2021 (interim report)

Reporting Period: November 1, 2020 – January 31, 2021
Reporting Period: August 1, 2020 – October 31, 2020
Reporting Period: May 1, 2020 – July 31, 2020
Reporting Period: February 1, 2020 – April 30, 2020

Reporting Period: November 1, 2019 – January 31, 2020
Reporting Period: August 1, 2019 – October 31, 2019
Reporting Period: May 1, 2019 – July 31, 2019
Reporting Period: February 1, 2019 – April 30, 2019

Reporting Period: December 21, 2018 – January 31, 2019