June 2024 - Information on awards and process

The California Public Utilities Commission began making awards and issuing proposed awards for consideration by the Commission. Information on the process, proposed awards, final awards, and up-to-date information is available on this Federal Funding Account Recommendations and Awards page. 

Applications now under review, objection period closed

The application window closed on September 29, 2023, and the initial objection period closed on November 20, 2023, followed by a 28-day objection response period. 

The CPUC’s Federal Funding Account received 484 grant applications within the grant window.  At least two applications were received for every county in the state, with a total of more than $4.6 billion in requests to fund last-mile broadband infrastructure projects to connect unserved Californians. This unprecedented amount of interest in a CPUC grant program demonstrates the opportunity this program provides to catalyze new high-speed broadband infrastructure across the state. 

Click here for a list of projects, applicants, and requested amounts: Web/Excel (.csv)

By the end of the initial objection deadline, the CPUC  received 896 objections against those applications.
Click here for a list of objections: PDF / Excel

Over the next several months, CPUC staff will analyze applications, objections, and their responses and work with applicants and local stakeholders to select the applications most deserving of funding.


The Federal Funding Account, administered by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), is a $2 billion grant program for last-mile broadband infrastructure projects to connect unserved Californians. accordance with 2021’s Senate Bill 156 (Chapter 112, Statutes of 2021). The Broadband Investments Package fact sheet provides more information on the SB 156 investments.

Federal Funding Account Rules and Guidelines

Entities interested in applying should review Decision 22-04-055 and its Appendix, which established the Federal Funding Account rules and guidelines.

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) hosted a Webinar for the Federal Funding Account broadband grant program on July 6, 2023. CPUC Staff presented an overview of the program, the application process, and how to submit applications through the Broadband Grant Portal. Video: External YouTube link Slides: Click here (PDF)


Application Process

There are multiple steps in the application process, which are:

Federal Funding Account
Application Steps

Step 1: Review the Federal Funding Account website
(You are here)
Step 2: Explore the Public Map
Step 3: Visit the Application Resources Page
Step 4: Register for the Applicant Tool
Step 5: Design and save your draft project
in the Applicant Tool
Step 6: Apply in the Broadband Grant Portal

Connect California!


Objection Process

The objection process — a period during which interested parties may review Federal Funding Account application information and submit written comments identifying errors of fact, policy, or statutory requirements in applications — was open until November 20, 2023. To learn more about the objection process, please refer to Decision 22-04-055, Appendix A: Federal Funding Account Program Rules and Guidelines, Section 12.

The objection process began on Monday, October 23, 2023, and ran for 28 days until Monday November 20, 2023. Applicants have 28 days from the date the objection is noticed to file a written response to an objection.

Summarily, objectors will provide information which disputes an application, applicants may respond, and staff will consider the objections in the application evaluation process. Objections are expected to meet the criteria in Decision 22-04-055, Appendix A, Section 12 to be considered. Responses to objections should provide evidence that refutes the objection.

Documents submitted as part of an objection that contain confidential information, including Personal Identifying Information, must be uploaded with the CPUC's secure Kiteworks FTP platform. Further information is available at: How to upload confidential documents.

All objections, and non-confidential information supporting those objections, must still be filed in the Broadband Grant Portal. The Broadband Grant Portal  noticed the CASF Distribution List once a day when objections or responses to objections have been submitted. The Broadband Grant Portal will notify applicants by email when an objection to an application has been filed. Applicants and other interested entities should add the Broadband Grant Portal email to their safe senders list: “noreply@salesforce.com” to your safe senders list.

Those who wish to be added to or removed from the CASF Distribution List may send their request to CASFDistributionList@cpuc.ca.gov. Subscribe to the Federal Funding Account distribution list here.


Below is a table outlining the main steps for the objection process.




OBJECTION PROCESS PERIOD BEGINS.The start of the objection process will be served to the CASF Distribution List. The CASF Distribution List will be noticed daily with objections and responses received.


October 23, 2023

See below for information on the CASF Distribution List


Project summaries and mapsare posted on the CPUC’s Federal Funding Account webpage.


October 23, 2023

Federal Funding Account Public Mapshows project areas.


October 23, 2023

Federal Funding Account Public Map

Objections. To submit an objection, log in to the Broadband Grant Portal and submit an objection that meets the criteria in section 12.

Until Monday November 20, 2023, at 5 p.m. Pacific Standard Time

Applicant responses. Applicants will be notified by email when there is an objection to their application.

Respond to the specific objection within 28 days of receiving email notification

Broadband Grant Portal emails will be sent by: noreply@salesforce.com

Objections and responses are incorporated in ongoing application evaluations.


December 20, 2023


Using the Broadband Grant Portal to Submit and Respond to an Objection

Objections and responses to objections must be filed in the Broadband Grant Portal. Applicants already registered in the Broadband Grant Portal may use their existing login to respond to an objection. Objectors who are not an applicant and are a first-time user, must register in the Broadband Grant Portal here.

Federal Funding Account Public Map  

The updated interactive Federal Funding Account Public Map shows eligible unserved locations for the Federal Funding Account, incorporating feedback from throughout California. Members of the public, public entities, and communications providers are welcome to contribute feedback on the eligible areas. 




Stay Updated

This webpage will be continually updated with program information. To receive updates on the Federal Funding Account program, sign up using the “Statewide Broadband Updates” form available on the right side of the Broadband Implementation for California webpage.

Key program documents will also be provided to the Broadband Deployment proceeding (Rulemaking 20-09-001) and the California Advanced Services Fund (CASF) proceeding (Rulemaking 20-08-021) service lists.

Contact Us

Email questions about the Last Mile Federal Funding Account to federalfundingaccount@cpuc.ca.gov